Musical Composition

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Welcome to the music corner of my website! This space is dedicated to showcasing some of my compositions. While my background in music theory is minimal, having taken just a few courses, I hope you’ll find joy in exploring my creations. The tool that powers my work is Musescore-a fantastic, free software that I highly recommend you experiment with, regardless of your musical expertise. Don’t worry if you’re new to music; sometimes, all it takes is pressing notes at random and seeing where the melody takes you.

Dodoman’s Theme

I wrote this piece in 2021 for a symphonic orchestra with a choir. The music takes light inspiration from Schubert Ständchen and Luigi’s mansion. This piece took around 40 hours of work.

Other pieces

Here are a sample some of my other compositions over the years.

A fresh listening experience

The essence of music changes sheds its element of surprise once it’s been heard. To craft music that perpetually keeps the listener engaged and curious, it must be a creation that continually evolves. But what’s the best approach to achieve this? One intriguing avenue is exploring the potential of generative AI in the music-making process.

Work in progress…